Where Chi Alpha comes together to worship, grow, and celebrate!




Welcome to Altitude Fall Retreat 2023!


Friday, October 20

5:00pm - 7:00pm Registration Open
Main Auditorium
7:00pm - 9:00pmSession 1
Main Auditorium
After Service After Party
Youth Building

Saturday, October 21

9:00am - 10:45am Session 2
Main Auditorium
11:00am - 11:45amBreakouts (Block 1)
Education Center Classrooms
12:00pm - 1:15pm Lunch (provided)
Education Center Auditorium
1:30pm - 2:15pmBreakouts (Block 2)
Education Center Classrooms
2:30pm - 5:00pm Free Time
  Dinner On Your Own
7:00pm - 9:00pm Session 3
Main Auditorium

Sunday, October 22

9:00am or 10:45am Session 4
Main Auditorium

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Block 1

  • Dr. Paul York

    Dr. York’s breakout will call students to consider, discover & discuss the calling, rationale, distractions, and opportunities facing us in our future as lifelong disciple-makers for Jesus.

  • -Lisa York

    Lisa’s breakout will pastorally encourage students toward a life of becoming healthy and whole in each season of life.

  • -Paige Evans

    Paige’s breakout will coach students to face to-do lists, people, and various issues that demand attention! Come learn spiritual disciplines to calm your mind when life gets chaotic and practical steps to create margin in your life to refocus on God and hear Him clearly!

  • Kelly Brown

    Kelly’s breakout will provide the Biblical basis for followers of Jesus to walk in expectation for the Holy Spirit’s supernatural empowerment upon us TODAY. Jesus modeled being ‘clothed with power’ in His life & ministry sent by the Father. Let’s come ‘thirsty’ for Jesus in our lives!

Block 2

  • Dr. Paul York

    Dr. York’s breakout will call students to consider, discover & discuss the calling, rationale, distractions, and opportunities facing us in our future as lifelong disciple-makers for Jesus.

  • -Lisa York

    Lisa’s breakout will pastorally encourage students toward a life of becoming healthy and whole in each season of life.

  • -Paige Evans

    Paige’s breakout will coach students to face to-do lists, people, and various issues that demand attention! Come learn spiritual disciplines to calm your mind when life gets chaotic and practical steps to create margin in your life to refocus on God and hear Him clearly!

  • Kelly Brown

    Kelly’s breakout will provide the Biblical basis for followers of Jesus to walk in expectation for the Holy Spirit’s supernatural empowerment upon us TODAY. Jesus modeled being ‘clothed with power’ in His life & ministry sent by the Father. Let’s come ‘thirsty’ for Jesus in our lives!

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Altitude Guests

David & Michele McLain
Bridge Church, Hutto, TX Co-Pastors

Pastors David & Michele McClain co-pastor the Bridge Church in Hutto, TX. The McClain’s are big supporters of Chi Alpha and can’t wait to be with us at Altitude! They’ll speak at each main session and share about the power of words.

What You Need to Know

Meal Options

  • Hotel lodging: Complementary breakfast in each hotel

    Camping: Brownbag breakfast in Youth Center

  • Lunch is provided by Bethel Church

    In Ed. Center Auditorum

  • Dinner is on your own. To see options around town click here.

Special Events

  • Texas A&M staff will be hosting late-night activities in the Youth Center after each evening service!

  • If you would like to have a quiet place to pray the (location here) will be open throughout the retreat

  • Feed One is a branch of Convoy of Hope that feeds over a half million children around the world! We’ll be taking up an offering at the end of Session 3 for Feed One. To get more info about Feed One click here.


  • The Youth Center & Ed. Center will be open 24/7 for restrooms, showers, and late night games.

  • If you would like to have a quiet place to pray the (location here) will be open throughout the retreat

  • Various XA groups will be selling their shirts, keychains, and other merch. Check out the tables in the main lobby and rep XA groups from across Texas!